Four Kumbh Melas are organised in Prayag (Allahabad), Haridwar, Nasik and Ujjain. The Kumbh in Haridwar is held when the Sun is in the Aries and the Jupiter in the Aquarius. The Kumbh is held in Allahabad (Prayag) when the Sun is in the Capricorn and Jupiter in the Taurus. The special significance of the Simhastha at Ujjain is the rare configuration of planets that takes place once in 12 years when Sun is in the Aries and Jupiter is in the Leo.
Simhastha is the great bathing festival of Ujjain. It is celebrated in a cycle of twelve years when Jupiter (Brahaspati) enters the Leo sign of the zodiac, known in the Sanskrit language as Simha Rashi. Ceremonial bathing in the holy waters of Shipra begin with the full moon day of Chaitra and continue in different intervals throughout the successive month of Vaishakha culminating on the full moon day.
Simhastha is the great bathing festival of Ujjain. It is celebrated in a cycle of twelve years when Jupiter (Brahaspati) enters the Leo sign of the zodiac, known in the Sanskrit language as Simha Rashi. Ceremonial bathing in the holy waters of Shipra begin with the full moon day of Chaitra and continue in different intervals throughout the successive month of Vaishakha culminating on the full moon day.
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